Recycling Project
What is it all about?
Everyday we see pollution and waste problem becoming bigger and bigger. Not only here in India, everywhere around the globe. Nature does not like it, we do not like it. It makes us feel indignant. But we all are the ones who created this mess. So we all need to clean it up now. Together.
That is why we decided to act. We had an a idea, a dream, an aspiration. To have a prototype model targeting zero-waste operations that is sustainable and easily scalable. And to deliver this model together with recycling training and education program to the villages in Tamil Nadu, India.

Our headquarters
We are based in Tamil Nadu, India near the city of Madurai (10km) in a beautiful EcoPark covering 2 acres. We operate our activities within responsibility of Antenna Trust, together with microcredit program to empower rural women and spirulina production. We work with NGOs and local villages.
Project Phases
Idea and Funding
Come up with recycling approach proposal and gather necessary initial funds for pilot stage.
Prototype in EcoPark
Establish collection process and recycling mechanism for different kinds of waste with primary focus on plastic.
Recycling in Villages
Ultimate goal is to roll out a successfull recycling model to villages in Tamil Nadu.
Watch our Crowdfunding video
First two phases of the project were financially secured by our crowdfunding campaign. We thank all contributors for their support! Below you can have a look at the campaign promotional video.
How we collect
We set up a waste collection approach to separate and segregate materials in a dedicated place. After that we trained all people in our EcoPark to follow those guidelines. This is the core of our project. Without proper segregation we would not succeed.

...and what we do with it
In our prototype we focused on plastic first. We want to give it a second life, so after collecting and sorting, we will use special machinery to create new things out of it (based on Precious Plastic concept). This gives many possibilities to make this model sustainable.

Join our cause
We are now in prototyping phase in our EcoPark. YOU also can take part in our project by sharing our website and social media links, by volunteering with us and suggesting any ideas for improvement. We also are grateful for any donations to secure funds for our next project stage – recycling in Tamil Nadu villages.
Here are some frequently asked questions. If you did not find an answer, go straight to Contact page and let us know!
First stage of project is financed partially by a crowdfunding campaign and partially by Antenna Technologies. For next stages we are already gathering funds and looking for contributions from people around the globe who want to have an impact here in Tamil Nadu.
We start recycling hard plastic and will move with soft plastic in our small processing unit based on Precious Plastic concept. At the same time we are continuing our analysis on how to recycle other materials to ultimately reach zero waste goal.