Kicking off!

Our new plastic recycling project – and monsoon – is kicking off!

We found a way! Our crazy little idea is coming out of its nutshell and attracting attention.

It is a major challenge to solve the plastic issue in places where there is NO solution at all. But not only that. Our idea is to solve the problem, raise awareness AND create an economic model that makes it profitable for the people to work with plastic waste. 

Ok… there is still a long way to go! But all the interest and support received makes it more challenging and interesting. 

Now, the situation is:


A designer from England, was here the whole month. He did the first workshop with children to make a plant pot with shredded PET bottle: a big success!

He also installed a collection point in the village and design flyers and didadic material.


A mechanical engineer from Switzerland, is coming back to Ecopark with tools and key pieces to make the shredder, compression and extrusion machines

Our network

It is expanding with possible future collaboration with WasteLess and a new Precious Plastic project in Auroville. Will keep you posted!


A highly experienced IT from Poland juste joined our team for 2-months to work on this project. In a few days time he already did the whole website you are just reading now so we can only imagine everything he’ll be able to do!

And many more news… but we keep some for later!

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